Deposition of William Lincolne
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 01:19 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 142r
William Lincolne of the towne and County of Galway Maltster sworne and examined sayth That in the begining of the presente Rebellion That is to say about the fyft day of November 1641 This deponent being an inhabitant in Galway was then and there robbed and dispojled of his howsholdgoods apparell horses bondes and other things and had his Malthowse burnd to his losse & damage of 200 li. ster: And at <A:> tymes since this by the gran Rebell Captain Bourk of Err Connaght & his rebellious souldjers whose names he knoweth not, And this deponent since the begining of the present Rebellion and by meanes thereof hath bin at seuerall places within the County of Monoghan robbed & depriued of Cowes oxen and horses plowes plow harnesse & other thinges worth 80 li. more And this deponent alsoe was at Glesenevin in the county of dublin by meanes of the Rebellion was about christmas 1641 deprived & dispojled of a trunck of lynnen and wollen bedding lynnen & other thinges worth xv li. more. His losses in all amounting to 295 li. ster, but by whom those goods in the seuerall Counties of Monoghan and Dublin were taken away he cannott tell for that he was at Galway when he was lost the same, And further saith That at the tyme that he was soe robbed at Galway hee for was putt in prison surprised there at Galway by those Rebells and carried away with them into the mountaines & there kept prisoner 3 dayes vntill <B:> that one Robert Noone an Irish fisherman (to whom the deponent had done former curtesies) came and begged both his life & liberty: and then the deponent for future safty betooke himself to the fort of Galway where he serued as a souldjer under the Comand of Captain Anthony Willoughby whoe comanded the same fort for and vnder his Majesty vntill about Midsomer 1643 that the same was surrendred vpon quarter: And further saith that whilest this deponent was at Galway aforesaid the souldjers of the said Captain Bourk moste <C:> barbarously cutt off the head of Mr John ffox an English man and a protestant, and kicked his head lyke a footeball in the streets and they then and there murthered the said Mr ffoxes wiffe & twoe English women more, whereof one was sister to Lieutenant Stapleton: & those and others Rebells of Galway alsoe murthered on shipboard 2 saylers & one souldier all English men and they alsoe murthered diuers others of thenglish whom he cannott name, and robbed them of all their goods And this deponent further sayth that generally all the irish papists of the towne of Galway
fol. 142v
(Stephen More Linch and Nicholas More Linch & the sonns of the said Nicholas excepted) were all in Rebellion and all that were able carried Armes against his Maiesty & the protestant subjects & layd and manteined siege for a long time vnto the said fort, which fort they haue since (as this deponent hath credibly heard) pulled downe and quite demolished And saith that Mr Martin and Mr Darcy the lawyeres <A> & Sir Tho: Blake were the principall advisers abetters and actors <of> in the Rebellion & siege at Galway aforesaid
<Dr J H B>
Signum predicti [mark] willelmi Lincolne
Jur 14o Jan: 1643
Hen: Jones
Hen: Brereton
Galway o
William Lincolne Jur
14o Jan: 1644
5 Nov
15 +