Deposition of James Deacon
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 05:20 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 243r
James Deacon of Gurtagolane in the parish of ffinbaries within the Countie of the Cittie of Corke (a brittish protestant) beinge duely sworne & examined vpon oath before vs by vertue of his Maiesties Comission to vs & others directed (beareing date the 5th of March in the 17th yeere of his Maiesties raigne that nowe is) touchinge the losses and suffrings of his Maiesties subiects protestants within the province of Munster deposeth & saith. That vpon the 16th day of ffebruary last he was robbed & forceably dispoiled of his goods & Chattles to the seuerall values followeing vizt
Of his cowes & horses to the value of nyne pounds six shillings eight pence. further he cannot depose. The totall of his losses amonts to nyne pounds six shillings & eight pence
James [mark] Deacon
his marke
Jurat coram nobis
2o die Maij 1642
Phil: Bisse
Richard ffrench
fol. 243v
The examination of
James Deacon
40 C