Deposition of William Rogers
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:16 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 41r
William Rogers of Mowhill the parish of Mowhill in the Countie of Leytrim blacksmyth being duly sworne and examined affirmith and sayth vpon his corporall oath that at Alhallantide last past he was deprived robbed and stript by the Rebells of the goods and chattles followinge vizt of a Bond of xxx li. and of certaine debts to the value of xx li. or theire about and of a lease of a Mill with goods in it worth vij li. His Shopp and tooles worth iij li. And of a gardens and hay and certaine howshouldstuffe to the value of 13 li. And of a horse and a hogg worth 3 li. In all amountinge to 60 lxxvj li. And further saith that the persons that did thus robbed him were Teige <A> ô Roorke of the parish of Clowne in the said Countie Con ô Roorke and Owen ô Roorke of the same place with a many more whome he knoweth not.
William Rogers
deposed June 16 1642
Will: Hithcocke
Joh Watson
William Aldrich