Deposition of Thomas and Christopher Waller

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:07 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1642-08-04
Identifier: 831044r056


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Leitrim, Sligo & Mayo
Deposition Type: Dublin Original
Nature of Deposition: Robbery, Stripping, Words
Commissioners: Henry Brereton, William Hitchcock
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 44r

<Com Leterim ss> Thomas Waller of Ballanamore in the county of Letrim clothier and Christopher waller of the same clothier two Betheren and copartners beinge duelly Sworne and depossed before vs Sayeth that vppon and about the xxvth daye of october last past being in Ano domini 1641 they the saide Thomas and Christopher were lawefully possessed and Interested of and in these goods chattells howshould stuff leasses debts moneys and warres followeinge videlicett
Marchantry warres wolles yarnes cloth dieing stuffs and all other workeinge toolles & Instruments in theire shoppe belongeinge to their trade of clothinge valued ___ 60 li. st
Their Tuckmill howses & landes & Tenters houlden by leasse vltra reprize valued per annum which they must loose till a peace be established ________________________ 20 li. st
Howsehould stuff pewter & brasse linen wo llen bookes apparrell three payer of cloath sheeres & other goods in the howse v and allso garrden Rootts corne meale and other victualls in the howse vallued _________________________________________________________ 25 li. st
<209 li. presente losse 20 li. per annum>Moneys and debts vppon their booke and vppon bills & bonds __________________________________________________________ 100 li.
and one Gellding vallued ___________________________________________ 004 li.
Soma totalis _____ 209 li. st
And they beinge soe Joyntly possessed & Intrested in the saide goods chattells howsehould stuff leasses Marchantry warres workeing toolles Money debts and apperrell they vallued 209 pownds sterling. They the saide Thomas waller & Christopher waller vppon & about the xxvth daye of october aforesaide weare most wrongefully & forceibly & with force & armes robbed spoyled & deprived of the same by the Notorious Rebbels & Theves so all followeinge vizt
<Com Letrim> Brian o Rourke of Ballanamore in the parishe of oughtra gentleman
<A> Jephery oge o Rourk of the same gentleman
Patrick o Murry the same yeoman
Shane o Ruddy of fferna gentleman
Joan Donreck of Ballanamore spinster
Margett Dun of the the same spinster and at least 100 persons Rebells more vnknowne

fol. 44v

which persons Trators & theves did comand vs the said Thomas waller & Christopher waller to deliuer vpp their Armes & goods and did bid vs them begone into thier owne country for they had but eight dayes warninge to remaine in Ireland and held Skeanes to their harts and did bid them begone in hast and stripped them boath of their clothes [ & ]
Christopher Waller
Thomas Wallar
Jur quarto Augusti 1642
Hen: Brereton
Will: Hitchcocke


fol. 45r



fol. 45v


17 Leitrim (13)
Tho: Waller & Cristopher Waller
Jur 4o Augusti 1642
Cert fact


Deponent Fullname: Thomas Waller, Christopher Waller
Deponent Gender: Male, Male
Deponent Occupation: Clothier, Clothier
Deponent County of Residence: Leitrim,
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Brian o Rourke, Jephery oge o Rourk, Patrick o Murry, Shane o Ruddy, Joan Donreck, Margett Dun
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel