Examination of Larances Core
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=826186r206] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 03:33 PM
Dublin Core
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fol. 186r
The Examination off Larance Core Aged 36 years off Clanikillty sworne an
saith Thatt in the first year of the warrs hee Liued att Clanakillty and thatt he well knew one Mr Linscom whoe was souerain thatt year and Being then A trooper in Capt Berigrin Banisters Troop of dragoons quartering Aboutt doneraill gott Leaue to Com home in the Crismas time his wiffe being then dead and Justis Baram being allsoe dead Mris Baram Imployd This Examinatt to oversee her wholle Estatte The Times The being Bade and dangerous shee had A disier to goe with her grand chilldrene to Bandon Bridge which This Examinatt Leueing of her Ther Cam Back To Looke after The Charge he was betrused with all The second day affter The Cheifes partt of the Inhabittants being gone The Ierish Coming very Brieffly into the Towne pillidging and Caring Away whatt They Cold, away he sentt priu attly to his said mistress To send A part som Horses To ffech Away some of the Best off her goods she sentt mee word shee wold send Mr Cleers Boatt and allsoe A noutt to deliuer her Cattle Corne and what Els shee had vnto o hey off Ahamillan and Take A receitt for them which hee did The day ffolowing The Contry Came doune and suprissed Mrs Barhams hous whear he This Examinantt was and Caried Away all they found their with his hors an Armes Laing hands one this Examinatt Intending to strick hime butt was Rescued by one Tho Bary A scolmaster and Then presently repaiered to his hous being ther Till 12 or 1 of the Clock that nightt The sam Bary Came and told This Examinatt hee must shifft for Themselues Ther Being one Inglish man more theire named Georg dodsworth vpon which wee gott outt and went ower A strand to Mr Linscoms hous The second day ffolowing wee wear Taken <A> prisoners By some belonging to Capt. Jo. Bary and sentt to donouin Howse and Mr Linscom and wear kept Their Thatt night next moring Capt Bary Being their They heald A Counsell Amongst Themselwes and sentt Mr Linscom whome to his hous with A Gaurd which gaurd was will oge o hey and dauid mc Phillip Bary which as Mr Linscom Told This Examinantt They hade In Gaudyd to {kee}pe him and his goods {in} saifly A whill aff{ter} { } Came to the Castle where This Examinatt was Thatt Mr { } by the strand side one A { } Their did the [ ]was dani{ell} { } whear this which { } was
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This Examinatt heering This being very Heuey This o hey Ascked hime whatt was The matter he was soe heue said I was Afraid he shold bee hangd as Mr Linscom and The rest was att which hee said my Liffe for yours: yett I haue Illwill of the Iierish gentt for securing yow and further saith Thatt Captain Jo og Bary Camanded in Cheiff in Those partts and then did take the Castle off dounowin from Mr Tho: Barham and seised and Caried Away all his sheep Containing as This Examinatt Heard Twenty Hundred and all his Cattle and Coarn Mr Barham being gone A shipboard This was Th within The sight off This Examinantt
Larrent Cary
ff: Wheeller
fol. 187v
Lawrence Scary
Concerning the Examinacionmurther of Mr Lynchcombe
of them