Deposition of John Hamott
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 11:21 AM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 291r
John Hamott late of Shenagh in the parish of Killbrogan in the Barony of Kinalmekey in the Countie of Corke yeoman A Brittish protestant Beeing duely sworne & examined by vertue of his Maiesties Comission he deposeth and saith that about the second of ffeberuary last past and at or about the first day of March last past, att Shenagh and in the said parish of Kilbrogan & in the Countie of Corke aforesaid, he was at those two seuerall times Robed & fforcibly dispoyled of his goods and Chattells By the meanes of this rebelion to the seuerall vallues ffollowing vizt
In the parish aforesaid
Of Cowes heiffers & bulls the worth of Threescore and sixteene pounds, of horses & mares worth eight pounds & at and in the said parish he had three leases in the parish aforesaid which hee held frome the right honerable the Earle of Corke for the terme of Twentie seuene yeares to come, And was worth ouer and aboue his rent seuenteene pounds per annum, the said leases valued to him the said John Hamott worth two hundred and ffiftie pounds sixscore & ten pownds he was expeled & driven frome the Benefitt thereof, by the meanes of this rebellion in Ireland, that now he conceaueth it to be lost, The totall of his losses amounts vnto Three two hundred Thirtie and foureteene pounds ster: 334 li. The deponent saith that he was robbed by the rebells their names he knoweth not.
John Hamotts marke
Jurat coram nobis
22o 7bris 1642
Tho: Graye Dec:
Phil: Bisse
fol. 291v
John Hamotts examination