Deposition of Sarah Barrett
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:18 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 179r
Sarah the Relict of Richard Barrett Late of Erris in the County of Mayo Esquire deceased and John Rutledge Late of Trist in the Countie of Roscomon gent sworne and examined depose and say That shee the said Sarah by reason and meanes of the present Rebellion is deprived bereft and dispoyled of her dower or third part of the Landes late of her said deceased husband. The whole Landes being worth three hundreth Powndes per annum, & her dower she Shee hath already Lost one yeres proffitt of her dower thereof of the value of one hundreth Powndes per annum, & the rent or anuitie of xv li. per annum issuing out of certeine lands in the Barrony of Clanmorris in the said Countie of Mayo for one yere past, and is Like to loose the future rents & proffitts both of her dower & anuity worth Cxv li. per annum vntill a peace be setled, And this deponent Sarah by meanes of the Rebellion hath Lost in stock of goods and howseholdstuff and chattles worth the value of one hundreth Pownds: Soe as her whole present Losse besids the future, by meanes of the Rebellion, amount vnto the sume of CCxv li. ster
Sarah Barrett
Signum predicti [mark] Johannis Rutledge
Jur xjo November 1642
Joh Watson
Will: Aldrich
fol. 179v
fol. 180r
fol. 180v
Mris Sara Barrett
Jur xj Nov: 1642
Cert fact