Deposition of Mabell Waterman ex parte Jacob Waterman
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 11:21 AM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 302r
Mabell Waterman wife to Jacob Waterman Late of CurrieCloth parish Kilbrogen in the Baronie Killemek Countie Corcke yeoman A British protestant Beinge duly Sworne and examined in the behalfe of her said husband by vertue of his Maiesties Commission deposeth and sayth that att or before the five and twentieth of March last att or in the parish of Kilbrogen Countie afforesayd hee was att severall times Robbed and fforctibally deposed of his goodes and Chattles by this meanes of Rebellion to the Severall values ffolowinge viz
Imprimis one Leasse taken from Mr Hayes of Cunoddie in the Countie Corke the land beinge Called CurrieCloth in the parish Kilbrogon Countie afforesayd the Leasse beinge Twentieth yeares to come, and beinge worth ten pound per anum more then the Chieefe rent vpon the Leass reserved she is damnified three score pounds more Lost in Cowes five price eight pound Lost in horses and mares seaven of [ ] valued att ten pound all this this the sayd Jacob Watterman Lost by this by this Rebellion in Ireland beinge his vndoinge
The totall of this said Jacob Watermans losses amonts to three score & eighteene pounds Cattle besides his Leasse of ten pound a yeare more then his Reent did come to Eightteene pound & further he deposeth not
Leavinge the value of the land to couer discretion
Mabell [mark] Watermans marke
Jurat coram
nobis 23o 7bris 1642
Tho: Graye Dec:
Phil: Bisse
fol. 302v
The examination of Mabell