Examination of Teage O’Maghan
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fol. 207r
Teage O Maghan being sworne & exsamaned saith that in the yeare 1642 he saw one Jah: Oage Crowlay and Dannill McTeage Totan Alis Collan cominge with Joh: Phips an Englis man beinge A prisoner to Mc Coming to McCarties Campe beinge then att Manch: & the uery sam day towards night he met the said Joh Crowlay with the prisoner goinge oute of the Campe & Askinge the said Crowlay what newes now & the said Crowlay towld this deponant that the presoner was for satisfacton for his pray & that he the said Crowlay did wish that he had one to hange the said John Phipps becawse he himself was in quarter and therfore durst not to hang him and said further that he would giue the Cloathes of the said prisoner to any one that would hang him and then one Joh: McDonnogh being a fellow sowldier of this deponants said that he would hang him soe that he migh haue his Cloathes and the said Crowlay did deliuer the presoner to the said Joh: McDonnogh Who promised to hange the said Phips the next morninge, soe they went thare way altogether towards Kilcascon & Durm: Teag Mahan alis Nenogh was with them & the said Joh: McDonnogh towld this deponent afterwards that he the said Joh: McDonno brought the presoner to the Lands of knocks that night which was the Lands of the said Dur: Teage Maghan & the next morninge he and others hanged the said Joh: Phipes & further saith not.
Teage [mark] O Maghan
his marke
fol. 207v
652PhipsDonogh Coghlans
Exam: 0-1