Deposition of William Garton
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:08 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 165r
William Garton late of Knockfadda in the parish of Ballihayes & county of Cauan farmer aged 63 yeares or therabouts duly sworne vppon the holy Evangelist & Examined by vertue of his oath saith,
< A > That this deponent with many others of the poore English inhabitants in and about Ballihayes being forced by reason of the generall insurrection of the Irish to forsake their seuerall habitations & to goe towards Dublin, wherupon this deponent with about 200 more poore English, came to a place called Stradone about the 29th of October 1641. where one Thomas Burrowes gent then liued who not only refused to afford us any victualls or lodging but caused vs to departe thence towards the mountaines where wee taking up our poore lodgings in the night it when it rained & did snow with frost in the morning, the aforesaid Thomas Burrowes sent many of the rude Multitude of Rebells to us who plundered stripped & tooke all that wee had some of us stripped to the very skinne & wounded as wee weere then enformed the said Rogues were Countenanced by the Comand of Phillip mc Hugh mc Shane o Reily of Ballinecarig County aforesaid.
And further this Examinant cannot depose
William Garton