Examination of Joyce Deane
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fol. 251r
Examinacions Taken vppon Oath by William Wright esquire Prouost of Bandonbridge on the behalfe of the Kepers of the Libertye of the Common Wealth of England the 15o day of August 1653 as ffolloweth: and in the presense of Mr Clement Woodroofe & Mr Tho: Dunkin:
The examynacion of Joyce Deane aged about 70 yeares beinge dulye sworne vppon the holy Evangelist by vertue of hir Oath saith that in the begeininge of the Warrs, she Liveinge then with Mrs Ann Hassell vppon the lands of the Currowne neere Bandonbridge was Taken prisoner by the Irish partye and one Andrew Barkham alsoe a servant vnto the said ann Hassell: and was Carrjed by the sajd partye vnto one Thomas Lowes House aboute halfe a myle from the plase to the Irish Campe and there this deponent with the said barkam was kept two dayes, and from thence weare removed, vnto Ineskrene at which place this examynant <A> did see Mack Carthy Reagh after she was kept prisoner five weeks:) and after ward this deponent gayned a pass from sume of the partye) to goe to Bandon to gett sume prisoners that was then there exchanged for the examinant and the sajd Barkham but this deponent could not pro{ } more then one woman for exchange of hir sealfe Leave{ing} the said barkham a prisoner, becase that mcCarthy Reagh would not except of the prisoner that this deponant at Length did procurre butt cald this deponant old whore and tould hir that the sajd barkham should behanged first (and shortly after the said barkham was executed as this deponent heard ) and further this examynant canot say;
Joyce [mark] Deane his markeThe examinacion of Mary Jennings
Beinge a prisoner
fol. 251v