Deposition of Robart Blockeson
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 02:00 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 189r
Robart Blockeson of Ballyhayes in the County of Cavan yeoman duly Swoorne sayth that at or about the xxvjth of October last 1641 he was Robbed and despoyled of his goods & Chattells of the value followinge. Vizt howsehould goods apparell and tooles fitting for my trade well woorth ffifteen pownds sterling. Seauen English Cowes seauen Calues & an English bull. well woorth xx li. sterling. Tenn steeres and Heyfers English streene iiij of them ij yeare ould and six of them three yeare ould well woorth xv li. sterling Towe two horses & Towe mares well woorth Twelue pownds sterlinge a stake of hay woorth three pounds sterling. the lease of my house worth ij li. sterlinge. And further saith that the goods abouesayd weare Taken away by the rebell Phillip O Reyly & Turlogh ffoy kirkhusse in the same County yeoman & others his Tenants and ffolowers of the said Phillip The vallue of the goods aforesayd amounts to Threescore and seauen powends sterling. beinge all the esate this examinant had to releiue himsealfe his wife ij Children and his servants whoe weare stripped naked by reason whearof they are now in extreame want & poverty through the hard vsage aforesaid. etc.
signum predicti [mark] Robert
Jur 14o Martij 1641
Joh Watson.
John Sterne
fol. 189v
fol. 190r
fol. 190v
Robert Blockesome
Jur 14o Martij 1641