Deposition of Jane Bordman
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 03:29 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 191r
<a> Jane Bordman late wife of Thomas Bordman Weaver an English protestant lately dwelling upon the half pole of Carry=crenah of Mr Castletons proportion in the parish of Urnay & County of Cavan deposeth that upon Monday the 25th of October Last her husband abovesaid then alive, sence (as she feareth) dead among those that were slayne goeing to Drogheda was robbed and lost worth in Cattle worth thirty nyne pounds seaven shillings which were driven away by patrick Blake of the Lat to the house of one Mr Brady of the Lat who promised to keep them for her said huisband in the said County this deponent further saith that a sister by patrick to the said Mr Blake (whose name she knoweth not) took from this deponent violently worth forty shillings of household=goods, and that certayne stragling persons to this deponent unknowne tooke from this deponent sixe stocks of Bees worth at least three pounds, this deponent further saith that she lost more in household=goods to the worth of Ten pounds which shee knoweth not whoe toke away, and that her said husband had some money taken from him by the Rebells but how much or by whome she knoweth not, and that the Rebells tooke from her eleaven shillings in money and this Deponent further saith that they lost as much corne in the Haggard as grew on the land of sixe dayes ploweing worth at least seaven pounds and she further deposeth that the said Black tould her that if the king of might have as much [mon ] gould as would lie lie between the Cavan and the place where this deponent lived being about a mile from the Cavan, the king would not permit one English man to live in Ireland, she further saith that in the way comeing to Dublin she and her husband were often stripped.
Jurat Jan 5to 1641
Coram nobis Joh Watson
Randall Adams:
fol. 191v
Jane Bordman
Com Cavan
Jur 12 Jan 1641
[Copy at MS 832,
fol. 51r