Examination of Mary Jenings

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=826252r261] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 02:44 PM

Dublin Core

Identifier: 826252r261


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Cork
Deposition Type: Commonwealth
Nature of Deposition: Captivity, Killing
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 252r


<symbol> The examinacion of Mary Jenings late wife vnto Rich: Mewden aged about 60 yeares beinge duly sworne vppon the holy evangelist by vertue of hir oath sajth that at the begeninge of the warrs hir husb{and} Rich: Mewden was Taken by some of the Irish party prisoner {&} <A> Carrjed vnto Kilbrittaine from whence this deponant hoped hir husband should be sent from Kilbrittaine vnto the Irish Camps w{hich} then was aboute Ineskeene butt sodens after this examjnant m{ett} with one John Bonde whoe tould this deponant that she should not Troble hir sealfe any further aboute the enquirye of hir husband for he was executed, at Kilbrittaine, and that he should haue benn sent to the campe butt that some enformed mcCarthy Reagh that a servant of one Mr Woodlyey was a witness against one donogh Clea, which was executed longe before the war vppon his Trjall att an assise in Bandon bridge vppon w{hich} reportt the said Bond told this deponant that MackCarthy Reagh Commaunded that he should be forth with executed in Reve{nge} takinge the said Mewden to be the witness against the said Clea beinge at that time a servant vnto the said Mr Woodly and furth{er} this deponant saith nott

Mary [mark] Jenings
hir marke


fol. 252v


Deponent Fullname: Mary Jenings
Deponent Gender: Female
Deponent Occupation: Wife
Deponent County of Residence: Cork
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Rich: Mewden, John Bonde, Mr Woodlyey, donogh Clea, MackCarthy Reagh
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Victim, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Rebel