Deposition of An Borrell
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 04:42 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 192r
46 47
An Borrell of Curgarra in the parish of Ballyhayes and County of Cavan deposeth that about the 24th of October last that she was robbed and despoyled of Cattle to the valew of xxx li., which robbery was done Phillip o Rely of Ballenacargy Thomas Brady & William <a> Brady & ther Company. and that att the same tyme this deponent was robbed of Butter Cheese & household Stuffe to the valew of three pounds, by Phillip Rely of Ballenacargy, The Rebells alleadging that they were the Queens soldiers and farther deposeth that she was stripped by the Irish as she was comming vp to Dublyn, att lest xxty severall tymes the like vseing of other which was the Cause of the loss of the liues of [ ] many
Jur 4to Janrij 1641
John Sterne
Will: Hitchcock
fol. 192v
Ann Borrell Com Cavan
Jur 4o Jan: 1641