Deposition of John Cooke
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 04:29 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 209r
John Cooke of Lissacack in the parrish of Lara and County of Cauan yeoman: Aged twenty Six yeares or there abouts being duly sworne deposeth that he was Robed and dispoiled of all his goods the fower and twentieth day of October last about seauen aclock in the morneinge beinge of the seuerall vallues followeing as vizt Corne and hay worth eight pounds in Cattell worth Threescore pounds in househould goods and provission in the house with tallow and candels twenty marke. one leasse of one poalle of land called Lissacack for thirty one yeares from may last past holden vnder the demise of Thomas bourres esquire liueing at stradone in the parrish aforesaid att and vnder the Anuall rent of eight pound{s} being worth ten pounds [sen ] in all amounting to the some of fowerscore <{91 li} 6 s. 8 p.> and Eleuean pounds Six shillings eight pence by the meanes of Phillip mac mac Hue mac shane o Rely one of the knights of the sheere for the said county <a> ffilleme o Rely with his tow sonnes Thurlagh o Rely and John o Rely of drumcrowe beinge our his next neighbors cominge in with pikes and staues askinge for the fore saide John Cooke swearing that if thay could find him thay would kill him. who haueing som littell intelligenc before escaped to his father{s} one horse backe which And then thesse partties aforesaide riflinge vp the houss{e} thrusting forth his wife and 2 children scarce sufringe them to bring any clothes with them after all this. the liue cattell being taken from them in to the hands of Thurlagh macanester brady of Turrocarbit by the direction of ffillip mac hue mac shane o Rely for his usse. after this. this deponants wif with hur tow small children came vp to the sitty of Dublin being often streept to the sking by the way soe that one of the children died presantly after it came to the Citty
<John Cooke 18 febry 1641>
John Cooke
Jur 19 ffebr 1641
Roger Puttocke
William Aldrich[
fol. 209v
John Cavan Cooke 18 febr 1641
Cert +
Intr hand
[Copy at MS 832,
fol. 60v