Deposition of Thomas Hedges
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 05:16 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 4r
Thomas Hedges of Cavan in the the towne & County of Cavan gent duely sworne sayth That on or about the 24th day of October last past he was robbed and dispoyled of his lands goods and Cattell of the valew following (vizt) Corne worth 30 li. Thirty pounds Threescore & ffour horses & mares worth Two hundred & fforty pounds fforty & Six Cowes worth Nynty pounds ster. One hundred & odd sheepe worth Threescore pounds.
Leases worth Twoe hundred and ffifty pounds Hay worth Ten pounds Houeshold goods worth ffifty pounds wooll worth Ten pounds, money which was taken as Thirteene pounds debts owing Twelue pounds Ten shillings In all amounting to Seaven hundred Threescore and ffive pounds Ten shillings ster.
And after all this the said Hedges his wife & 8 children were most shamefully & barbarously stript to the very skins as they come by the way and exposed to such hunger & Cold that two of his said children dyed thereby & the rest are not yet well.
<a> And all this was by the meanes of Phillip mc Hugh mc Shane Rely of Ballingeargy Castle in Com Cavan & his followers And that
The names of the rest of the Rebells which were followers of Phillip mc Hugh mc Shane and robbed this examinant are these
Charles Magauran of Tullahagh
Mulmore mc Donnell Rely parrish Kildrumfartan
Edmund Rely of the 4 myle howse
Hugh Macabe [parish] Ballin Temple
A Captaine named o Rely in the parish of Crisselaugh
Myles Reilly High Sheriff of the County of Cavan
Hugh Rely [parish] Lawaper
Thomas Hedges
Deposed the xixth of January 1641
Hen: Brereton
Will: Hitchcock