Deposition of John Hovey
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 05:16 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 14r
<I> John Hovey of Crumlin in the parish of Dynne and Countie of Cauan doe depose, that I had in personale estate when this rebellione first begane
Cowes ould and younge woorth______3__0__0
horses and Coults______2__0__0
houshould goods______5__10__0
In debts______1__5__0
In moni______1__16__0
In all______43__11__0
All thEse goods were taken from me more aboute the 24th <a> of October 1641 by the hands of Turlogh O Reily of Gryllye withtin the parish of Lowey and Countie of Cauan, and Luke ffludie of the same pleace, Owen O Gowen of the same pleace, who when they came to my land and would haue hadd me too liue with them and inioye my goods, but if not they had authoritie to take them away from me
John [mark] Huffey mark
Depose Jan 13th 1641
Will: Hitchcock
William Aldrich
fol. 14v
John Howey Com
Jur: 13o. Jan: 1641