Deposition of Thomas Newman
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 04:38 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 38r
Thomas Newman of Ballyhayes in the County of Cavan gentleman duely sworne sayth that at or about the 26th of 8bris last 1641 He was robbed & and despoyled of his goods & Chattells of the value followinge; vizt houshould goods apparell and Commodities woorth threascore pownds ster Eight Inglish Cowes & eight Cowes woorth thirty pownds ster. six towe yeare ould English heyfers woorth twelue pownds ster Hay woorth fiue pownds ster leasses of seuerall lands woorth A hundred powends sterlinge, debtes oweing by sufficient men before this Irishe Rebellion twenty towe pownds sterling.
His howsehould goods apparell and Commodities weare taken away <a> by Phillip mc Hugh mc Shane O Reyly his wife of the county aforesaid whoe came to this examinants house with a Gunne in her hand and her followers with staues swoords & skeines in their hands and their pillidged it, And the sayd Phillip mc Hugh mc Shane O Reily his tennants and followers tooke this examinates Cattell & hay And entered vppon his lands and still doth detayne them as he is informed; The value of the goods aforesaid amounts to 229 li. sterling being all the estate he had to maynetaine himsealfe his wife and fiue Children, who weare stripte almost naked by reason whearof they are now in extreame want and poverty thorow the hard vsage aforesayd
Tho: Newman
Deposed before us
Januar. 12 1641
Roger Puttocke
Will: Hitchcock
fol. 38v