Examination of Jonas Stoill
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=826308r320] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 02:41 PM
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fol. 308r
Kingsaile ffebr 14th 1653
Depositions taken Concerninge Mr Tho: Meagh an Inhabitant of Kingsale afforesaid in the yeare 1641
<(1)> Jonas Stoill Clarke Minister att Kinsale afforesaid Aged about 47 yeares sworne and Examined Saith that hee Liued in Kinsale the sayd yeare untill the begininge of March that hee went with his ffamily for England and did well know the said Tho: Meagh and that hee Comanded a Company of the Inhabitance of Kinsale for the defence of the said Towne <2> And that one ore about ffebr the same yeare hee Diserted the saide Towne and Went to the Enemyes Quarters then att Bellgooly Neere the sayd Towne and farther saith hee saw a letter under the hand of the said Meagh Dated att Belgooly from his Maiestyes Catholiqe Campe and directed to Captain Tho: Aderly to the best of his Remembr{ance} & farther sayth not taken before us
Jonas Stawell
ff: Wheeller