Deposition of Thomas Olipher
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 04:29 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 42r
27028th of January 1641 Thomas Oli
Ipher of Corlislee in the County of Cavan yeoman aged Twenty five yeares or theireabouts being Duely sworne & Examyned saith That on the 25th day of october Last hee was Robed & striped of all theis seuerall Lands goods & Chattles followeing vizt. by the Ireish Rebells of the County of Cavan they being ffollowers vnto Phillip mc Hugh mc Shane o Rely of the possession & proffitsImpris of one pole of Lande Called Corlislee Lieing in the proportion of Moigne hall in the County aforesaid worth sixteen pounds ster to be sould vltra repris___16 li.__0__0
Itt in Cowes & horses, & sheep to the value of fforty pounds ster___40 li.__0 s.__0 d.
Itt in Corne & hay to the value of tenn pounds ster.___18 li.__0__0
Itt in houshould goods & wareing apparill to the value of eight pounds ster___8 li.__0__0
Itt in mony & debts three pounds tenn shillings___3__10__0
Summ total___77__10
<a> And ffurther the said Thomas Alipher) Deposeth that hee hard one Thomas Coe one of the Rebells that Robd him say they was fforced to doe what they did in Regard they had the Kings Seale for theire warrant
Signum [mark] predicti Tho: Olipher
<And ffurther the said Thomas deposeth that one Edmond boy & Patrick Brady they being dwellers in the parishes of Din & Annaghgel ly ff Robed him of ffyfteen shillings nynepence ster the day & yeare aforesaid
Jur ixo febr 1641
John Sterne Roger Puttocke>
fol. 42v
fol. 43r
fol. 43v
Tho: Olipher: 9o febr 1641
[Copy at MS 832,
fol. 135v