Deposition of Mary Dannter
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 03:28 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 47r
Mary Dannter late of Lurgan in the parish of Castlebourk wife to one Anthony Dannter late of the p lac e afforesaide in the barony of booneratty in the County of Clare in Thomond duly swoarne and examined by vertue of &c deposeth and saith that on or aboute the f 14th day of December last and since the begining and by meanes of this present rebellion in Ierland hir afforesaide husband Anthony Dannter lost was robbed and forceably dispoyled of his goodes and Chattells to the seuerall valewes following vizt worth 50 li. Off Cowes and horses to the valewe of th irty pound e s In houshold stuffe fiue pound e s In tooles and tymber worth Seaven pound e s In household provision and garden fruites worth eight e pound e s the totall of his losses were ffifty pound e s This deponen t saith that hir husba nd was robbed by one James Mackanmenie of Donas gent ffinin oge macknemarra of knocknehaly gent John Reagh macnemarra of Ballemecashell gent and John macknemarra of Crattulagh gent all in the barony of booneratty on the County of Clare And theire Complices this deponent further saith that <A> shee and hir husband fled into the Castle of Lymrick where with in shorte time after they were beseeged by Domminick ffanning Maior of the said citty of Lymrick Sir Jeffery Galway Baronett James Sarsfeild and Patrick Sarsfeild gent all of Lymrick afforesaide and diuerse others whose names this deponent knoweth not vntill the saide Castell was deliuered to the enimy vpon quarter And this deponent likewise saith that the afforesaide rebbells did sett vp A proclemation on the gates of Lymrick in the kings name as she was informed by such as read the said proclamation that all protestants were rebbells and that the king went to masse And as stoute as they were they were would make them bowe and kis the popes foote Lastly this deponent saith that after quarter being giuen by the afforesaide rebbells the afforesaide rebbells did in A most barbarous manner shoote this deponents husband and breake his arme soe that hee is like to perish And further deposeth not
Mary [mark] Danter
hir marke
Jurat coram nobis 7o
9bris 1642
Jam: Wallis
Hen: Rugge
fol. 47v
fol. 48r
fol. 48v
Mary Dannters examination