Examination of Martine Farlow
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=827010r012] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 02:38 PM
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fol. 10r
<Kinsale ffebruary 17o 1653> Depositions taken Concerninge James Longe of Tallumkulley in the yeare 1641
Martine ffarlow of Mallifants Towne Gentleman Aged about 26 yeares beinge sworne and examined saith that hee Liuinge att Mallifants Towne afforesaid in the yeare 41
<1)> That hee knew the said [ ] Longe afforesaid Liuinge as afforesaid the same yeare and did not Remane into the Parliaments Garrisons
<9)> That hee was in Actuall Armes and that hee the Comand of [ ] had Command of An Irish Company in the yeare of 41
<10)> That hee had A Sonne in Actuall Armes and was Lieutenant to A Troope with the Irish under the Comand of the Lord Muskery
That hee did take into his Custody the goods of Captain Josias ffarlow this deponents ffather Viz: 34 workinge Oxen Thresht <12)> out aboue 200 li. worth of Corne Viz Wheat Barly and Oates 500 Sheepe and diuers other goods All Amountinge to the Vallue of 500 li. sterling the Cause of this deponent knowledge is that hee was an eie witness to the Thinge and farther saith Nott
Martin ffarloe
taken before us
ff: Wheeller
(endorsement on
fol. 11v