Deposition of Mary Young
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 11:49 AM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 60r
Mary Young late of Cona in the parish of Kilely in the barony of booneratty in the County of Clare in Thomond duly sowrne and examined by vertue of &c deposeth and saith That on or aboute the 24th day of decembr last and since the begining and by meanes of this present rebellion in Ierland She lost was robbed and forceably dispoyled of hir goodes and Chattells {to} the seuerall valewes following vizt worth 927 li. Off Cowes young Cattell horses mares and swine to the valew of twoe hundred sixty eighte poundes In houshold goodes worth ffifty poundes In building Sixty poundes In corne in stack and ground twoe hundred and eighty poundes In household provision worth three poundes In hay twenty poundes In garden stuff Six poundes This deponent saith that s hee was expelled a nd driuen aw{ay} from hir dwelling and lease of Cona afforesaid A lease off knock{e}haly and A lease of Klendora both in the parish of St Munchans worth more than hir rent twoe hundred and fforty pou ndes The totall of hir losses we re Nine hundred twenty and seauen poundes This deponent saith that hir goodes were taken away by Dominick Macknemarrow of the Crattella gent fflorence Macknamarrow of Knockehaly gent Thomas mc owen of the same gent Daniel{l} ô Bryen of Clandy[gards] gent Murta ô Bryen of Cone gent Murta ô Kelly of Cone afforesaid gent John Kelly of Con [y] Con{ } afforesaide gent Daniell Bane of Kildryna gent Dermod ô Haly of Con[e] gent John Rea macknamarra of Cona Killmurry gent all in the barony of booneratty in the County of Clare And James Sarsefeild of the cytty of Lymrick gent This deponent further saith that shee fled from hir dwelling house into the kinges Castle in Lymrick which in a short time after was beeseeged & vnder mined and after vntill it was yelded vp As Namely by Dominck ffanning Ma i or [ ma ] of Lymrick of [ ] Sir Jeffry Galway & James b aronett Patrick Sarsfeild all <recorder> of the Citty of Lymrick And theyre gennerall Barry and Christofer Bryen of Insequin Lymrick in Thomond gent And diuerse others of the Cytty and Country which the afforesaide Dominck ffanning lett into th{e} Citty hee being Maior of the same whose names this deponent know{eth} not this deponent likwise saith that during the afforesaid seege ther were diuers men killed by those rebbells and there Assista{nts}
<Clare The examination of { } Clare>
fol. 60v
As namely william Manring of the Citty of Lymrick gent Thomas Hickes of the same John Skeg of the same Thomas Young of the same John Whithers of the same Ann Addames Thomas Martine all of the same place Ki likewis{} ther were diuerse women stripped by the rebbells as namely and one youth as Thomas Young sonn the afforesaide Thomas Young Joane Perry Elizabeth Kelly and Mary Martin [ ] [ ] Likewise she saith that after quarter was giuen to the English att the Castle of Lymrick The afforesaide rebbells did in A most inhumane manner shoote one Anthony Danter [ ] into his Arme soe that hee is vtterly disabled of to help himselfe And further saith that the saide rebbles did say that what they did they had the kinges author{i}ty for the doeing of it And further deposeth not
Mary [mark] Young
hir marke
Jurat coram nobis 5o die novembr 1642
Jam: Wallis
Thomas Ellwell