Examination of Jenkine James
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=827030r032] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 02:38 PM
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fol. 30r
<Kinsale ffebruary 21th 1653> Depositions taken Concerninge Donogh mc ffeimie oge of the Barrony of Coursey in the parish of Templetrine in the yeare 1641
Jenkine James of the parish of RingRone in the Barrony of Coursey Aged about 55 yeares beinge sworne and Examined saith that hee knew the afforesaid Donogh mc feinine oge Liuinge as afforesaid in the yeare 1641
<1)> That hee might haue Remoued into the English Quarters as well as diuers other English of his Neighbours did
<2)> That hee Remoued farther into the Eneimys Quarters and Continued with them untill the yeare of Cessation
<4)> That hee by force plundered this deponent and tooke his Cattle and also Came into his house and Robd him of his Corne and his houseallstuffe to the uallue of 100 li. sterling
<3)> That hee was in Actuall Armes with mc Carty Reagh in the yeare 41
<10)> That hee had two Neues abroad in Actuall Armes
The Cause of this deponent Knowledge is that hee was present when hee tooke away all his goods from him and was glad to flie to Kinsale for his Refuge and farther saith Not
Jenkine [mark] James
Taken before us
ff: Wheeller
(endorsement on
fol. 31v