Deposition of John Wilkinson
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 04:38 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 87r
396These may Certifie that I John Wilkinson late of Belturbet Cooper < 161 li. put loss iij li. per annum in future> lost and had violently taken from him & expelled from his ho w ses landes goods and chattells to his damage of 161 li. sterling me to the value of seuenscore poundes sterling & is like to be deprived of the future proffitts of his howse and lands worth 7 li. per annum Thus much I suffered, and Really lost in goodes & Chattells & houses, in the beginning of the Rebellion and since all which I can make appeare by neigbors and am ready to auerr the same by oath
The names of those Rebellious Irish, which robbed me followeth vidz.Cormack Brady of the parish of Anna in the County of Cavan
Owen Brady of the parish aforesaid
Owin mac Nicholas Brady of the parish aforesaid.
These men were the cheife to spoyle vs, though the had many attendantes
Thus much as is aboue written, I suffered, att the generall Riseing of the Irish Rebells in the north of Ireland the last of October 1641 Wittnesse my hand this 8th of Januarie 1641
John Wilkinson
deposed before vs Jan. 8. 1641{3}
Hen: Jones
Hen: Brereton
fol. 87v