Deposition of James Keene and Thomas Doyly
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 01:15 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 168r
James Keene late of the parish of St Munchins and within the Cittie of lymericke breekelyayer (a brittish protestant) duely sworne and examined before vs by vertue of a Comission vnder the broade seale of this kingdome (beareing date &c) concerneing the l osses and sufferinges of his loyall subiects since this rebellion susteined by the brittish and protestants within the Province of Munster as alsoe diuers other particulars and rebellious actions to be enquired after tending to the discouery of this present rebellion in Ireland deposeth and saith
That vpon the 16th day of March 1642 beinge Thuresday morneing a partie of musketiers (some of Capteine Charles Price his company wherof this deponent is one) were sent as a convey parte of the way to Malloe in the County of Corke to bring some prouision of Corne thither towards the releefe of the English garrisson there And in their retreate towards their garrisson in Mitchelstowne in the said County aboute one or Two a clocke in the afternoone, the said convey was sett vpon in the kinges high way by Dauid Condon of Carriginawry in the said County gentleman then & there headinge a company of horse; & one capteine Grady of in the County of gentleman then & there likewise heading a foote company, the said parties that day murthered dissarmed and stripped the vndernamed persons being parte of the said Comp a ny convey namely Walter Phillipps husbandman John Gwin husbandman Hugh Bewin husbandman Thomas Tucker shipwright Thomas Crosse Glouer John Lee husbandman Thomas White=Church husbandman all English & protestants some of the said Convey recouered their said garrisson being neere at hand & another some to the number of eleven souldiers & boyes narrowly recouered an ould shingled house not inhabited a long while before, which house presently the said parties & their said forces besett round aboute & violently entreing the doores of the said house filled the lower roome therof with strawe
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and other combustible matter & setting fire to the same of purpose to burne this deponent & the rest (had the <C> strawe burnt & taken fire sufficiently as they expected ) as alsoe that by gods prouidence this deponent and the rest recouered a peece of a loft left standing in the said house from whence they played vpon the said enemy downe ward as often as they flocked in to the said lower roome & haueing at last lost a number of their men at last they retreated & marched away, this conflict indured for the space of Two houres where Joseph Riull was heavily greviously wounded in the head & Two others hurt <C> by the enemyes shots that came vpp throwe the said loft This deponent likewise deposeth That he is verily perswaded in his conscience that then & there the same Mr Redmond Roch his man or one of the enemyes troope he is tould since that his < name is William o Carrane >
The deponent being further examined deposeth That vpon friday morneing the 24th day of March bef aforesaid Thomas mc Cragh of Kilbeheny in the County of lymerick gentleman and his Comp sons the night before layed ambushes close by the Castle of Mitchelstowne aforesaid to take away that morneing the Cattle belonging to the same but being seasonably discouered the ward of the said Castle horse & foote (for the most) parte) sallyed foorth vpon them, where three of the said warders miscaryed [then] & were murthered namely William Jarrett husbandman & George Talent wellman & [ ] William Hooker late of Cloghine in the County of Tipperary hatter The deponents cause of knowledge heerin is that he was in company then with the rest o f the said warders when the said parties were murthered and likewise that he sawe a letter sent by Donogh mc Craigh son & heire to the said <D> Thomas the nexte day followeing acknowledging the said fact in maner as it is declared by the said letter which letter he beleeueth to be the acte of the said Donogh
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Thomas Doyly of Mitchelstowne aforesaid yeoman this <E> day appeared before vs and being examined and sworne vpon the holy Evangelist deposeth That he beleeueth in his conscience the deposition of the said James Keene to be true in all particulars concerneing the murther last aboue mencioned & that inn regard he was then present himself when the same was don and perpetrated by the said Macrathes people as alsoe that the said letter written by the said Donogh mc Crath shewed to this deponent before vs, he beleeueth the same to be the acte and deede of the said Donogh whereby he partely confesseth himselfe to be an accessary to the said murther to which letter this deponent refferreth himself for more certainty heerin and further he deposeth not James Keene
Thomas [mark] Doylie marke
Jurat coram nobis
27o Marty 1642
Phil: Bisse
Ric: Williamson
fol. 169v
James Keenes examination