Deposition of William Cooke
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 04:29 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 120r
William Cooke late of Belturbut in the County of Cavan yeoman being duely sworne sayth That at or about the 23th day of October last past he was robbed at Virginia as he was coming to Dublin by Captayne Turlo < a > Reyly of Beely in the parish of Lurgan & his followers being in number about 200 rebells of Twenty pounds and Ten shillings ster in ready money besides twoe horses [bl] brydles & saddles and Clothes on his backe and his sonnes & in a Claokbag worth Sixteene pounds ster. Moreouer he sayth that he was & is dispossessed of a howse he had in Belturbut being his owne free land and he was offered fower score pound ster for and which he feares he shall neuer enioy againe but wilbe burnt if it be not burnt alreedy & that his whole losses amount to One hundred and Sixteene pound & ten shillings. The cheifest Rebell that robbed him at Belturbut being Phillip mc Hugh mc Shane Rely of Ballina Cargy Esquire and his followers
William [mark] Cooks marke
Jur 19o May 1642
coram nobis
Hen: Brereton Joh Watson
Will: Hitchcocke
fol. 120v