Deposition of Robert Daye
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 04:16 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 143r
172The Complaynt of Robert Daye of Dromleafe in the parish off Castle terra alys Ballahaies in the county of Cauon yeoman sworne sayth that on the seven and twentith day of October last one Daniell o Rely of Kilduffe with diverse others beinge followers <a> and dependants vnto Phillip mc Hugh mc Shane o Rely and came vnto the complaynants deponents house & tooke from him being a poore adged man very neare foure score yeares of adge in ready mony 15 s. ster. one mare price xx s. ster one calfe 10 s. ster. in houshould stufe 40 s. ster. two cowes & calues five pownds ster. & expelled him from one house which I built from the ground with my garden foure pownds ster. all which somes amountinge to To his losse in all of 13 li. v s. ster And further sayth that the forenamed Daniell Rely beinge demanded by the Complaynant deponent by what authority they tooke away his goods they sayd they weare the Quenes souldiers & would display her banners on Dubline greene & had comission for what they did to the English & if he would not presently depart they would kill him And likewise they Rebels stript this poore complaynant deponent by the way & left him not soe much as shooes to his feet & further sayth nott
signum [mark] predicti
Roberti Day
Jur xvijo Juny 1642
Hen: Brereton
Edw Pigott
fol. 143v
Robt Day Jur xvijo Juny
Cert fact
The Complaynt of Robt
Day adged neare foure
[Copy at MS 832,
fol. 136v