Deposition of William Murdoghe

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:05 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1642-11-12
Identifier: 833175r123


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Cavan
Deposition Type: Dublin Original
Nature of Deposition: Multiple Killing, Robbery, Words, Lost By Debts
Commissioners: John Watson, William Aldrich
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 175r

William Murdoghe of Correnerie in the Countie of Cavan being dwelie sworne and examined sayeth That since the begining of this Rebellion he hes beine Robbed and spoyled of <2 li.> fortie shillinges ster: per annum vltra repr out of a tenement and a percell of ground which this deponent houlds he held of John Hamiltone Esquire for thrie lyves vnexpired, eightteine Cowes and oxen young and ould value thirtie six poundes ster, thrie horses and Mares value eight poundes ster:, thirtie six sheepe young and ould value seavin poundes ster: houshould stuffe value ten poundes ster: hay & turffe value fyve poundes ster: debtes dwe to this deponent, by Mahownie Linshie now in Rebellion twentie shillinges ster: In all thrie score and seavin pounds <67 li. a> ster; besides the said fortie shillinges ster per annum vltra repr for the lease of the house and land, And further this deponent sayeth That Hugh mc Milmore Rellie of Killveghane in the said Countie, and his wyffe Jane Rellie alias Beataghe Tirlo oge o Rellie, Shane Rellie of Kilnecrew, Catreine Rellie Phelyme backagh Rellie of Correnerie Laghleine Gow of Tullilurkane Donell Rellie of lisdonane Shane linshie of Lecklane, Cahill mc Caughie of Qwillies together with seuerall other Rebellious Malitious Rebelles did foreceablie Robb take away & detayne all the goodes Chattle and houshould stuff before mentioned And further this deponent sayeth That he Crediblie heard that there was murdered and killed within the barronie of Claughie ten or twelue of the Scottish people in the night tyme by Conor Roge mc Clerie Conor Rellie Mahown Duff mc clerie with severall other notoriouse Rebelles and after they were killed would not suffer them to be buryed in the Church or Churchyarde alledgeing they were noe christians this deponent further saith that he with others being in the house of Alex anderson of Coronary in the said County at divine service celebrated by Mr George Hamilton the Rebells came upon them san exclaymeing that they were at the divils service and it was a good deed to burne the house over their heads for that the said Mr George Hamilton dare not after be seen in the Country being threatned his death
William [mark] Murdogh
his Marke
Jurat: Novemb: 12. 1642.
Joh Watson.
Will: Aldrich

fol. 175v

[Copy at MS 832, fols 72r-72v]

Deponent Fullname: William Murdoghe
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent County of Residence: Cavan
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: John Hamiltone, Mahownie Linshie, Hugh mc Milmore Rellie, Jane Rellie, Tirlo oge o Rellie, Shane Rellie, Catreine Rellie, Phelyme backagh Rellie, Laghleine Gow, Donell Rellie, Shane linshie, Cahill mc Caughie, Conor mc Clerie, Conor Rellie, Mahown Duff mc clerie, George Hamilton
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Creditor, Debtor, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Mentioned