Deposition of Thomas Porter
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 10:51 AM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 180r
296A true not e of the losses of Thomas Porter vppon a pottell of land cauled Lisney kirke in the parish of Castell Terra in the county of Cauan in the Barronrie of296
Thomas Porter of the parish of Castell Terra in the County of Cauan a Brittish Protestant duly sworne saieth That in or aboute the 28th of October laste past hee was robbed by the Irish rebelles and lost in li. s. d.
Corne, as wheate maulte and barely ------------------------------------ 10__0__-0
.27. cowes 50 s. a peece English breede ------------------------------- 67__10__-0
.10. young cattell. 25. a peece ------------------------------------------- 12__10__0
.20. English sheepe ------------------------------------------------------ 7__0__0
.3. mares a filly and a coulte -------------------------------------------- 8__0__0
Butter .3. tubbes ----------------------------------------------------------- 3__0__0
Cheese ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2__0__0
4 Hogges. 10s. a peece --------------------------------------------------- 2__0__0
2 leases --------------------------------------------------------------------- 20__0__0
Howsehould goodes as bedding couerlettes blankettes
brarsse pewter with all other necessaries
belonging to a howse ----------------------------------------------------- 30__0__0
Prouision for a howse with the
garden stuffe in it --------------------------------------------------------- 20__0__0
Somma totalis [ ] li.182__0__0
Taken awaye by Phillip Avely Thomas Burrell Thomas Brady with other his tenantes
Thomas Portter
Jur xxvjo May
John Sterne.
Will: Hitchcocke
fol. 180v
Tho: Porter Jur
26o May 1642