Deposition of Edward Philpott
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 11:28 AM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 182r
Edward Philpott Esquire late of Belturbett in the Countie of Cavan sworne and examjned deposeth and sayth That when the present Rebellion began in the County aforesaid vizt on or about the xxiijth day of October 1641 hee this deponent and Dame Mary Butler now his wiffe the Relict of Sir Stephen Butler Knighte Deceased: & five of the Children of the said Sir Stephen were by the Rebells forcibly expelled f rom & driven from their howses Landes & meanes & alsoe were & still are deprived robbed or otherwise dispoyled of their money Jewells Ringes plate howsholdgoodes provition Corne cattle horses sheepe & other their personall estate within the seuerall Co unties of Cavan & ffermanagh of the value & to their present Losse of two thowsand ffive hundreth Powndes sterlinge, And this deponent and they are like to be deprived of and loose the future proffitts & rents of their Landes of inheritance worth One thowsand Poundes per annum vntill a peace be established And further sajth that this deponent & the rest flying away (for saffty of their liues) were vpon the way assaulted & sett vpon by the Rebells: & some of their Tenants & Company were most cruelly & barbarously slaine in the way others stript & robbed of all their apparell And soe turned naked, (without respect either of Sex or age) into the Cold aire exposed to thextremity of winter weather vpon the wyld barren mountaines ffrom whence (in that posture & state) they wandered towards the Cittie of Dublin whither by gods providence) they were brought at Length where ever since they have contynued, subsisting meerly by the releefe & Charity of well affected people: still there remaining in a most indigent and wofull state Case: And further saith that the Rebells that soe robbed him this deponent and other protestants att Belturbett & that bere armes against his Maiesty & loyall subiects & did partake with the other Rebells are theis that followe vizt Phillip mc Hugh mc Shane o Rely Esquire Myles Rely late high sherriff of the County of Cavan: & with their Complicees souldjers
fol. 182v
souldjers followers and Confederates (being many hundreths in number) whose names he cannott certenly remember
Edward Philpot
Jur xxvijo ffebr 1642
Will: Aldrich
Hen: Brereton
Edward Philpott Esquire
Jur 27o ffebr 1642
Intw Cert fact
[Copy at MS 832, fols 72v-73r]