Deposition of John mcSkimmeine
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 04:11 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 187r
<John mc Skimmene>
John mc Skimmeine of Irregle in the Countie of Cavan, being dwelie sworne and examyned sayeth That since the begining of this Rebellion he hes beine Robbed and spoyled of eight Cowes with foure young beastes value sixteine poundes ster, twentie sheip value four poundes ster: two Mares value fyve pounds ster: houshould stuff and clothes value fyve poundes ster: hay and turffe value fortie shilling ster: debtes dwe to this deponent by Mr Edward Baile being pilladged himselfe twentie shill. ster: of borrowed money and nyne barells of oates value fortie shilling ster: In all thirtie and <35 li.> fyve poundes ster:, and the goodes Cattle and houshould stuff aboue specified was forceablie taken away and detayned by Conor mc Clerie of Carnecarrow, Conn Balne <a> mc Mahowne of the same, Edward duff o Rellie of Gartneneme, Owen mc Gerrald Rellie of Dromacarrow, with seuerall other persones this deponent cannot nominate And further this deponent sayeth That he hearde one Patrik Bradie of Irregle a notorious Roage publiquely say that the Englishe should never haue any more government over Ireland, but for the King they would pay him his rent if he would send for it, and sayde that we that was protestantes was no Christianes but heretickes And it was a Common speech amongst the Rebells that neither English nor Scottish shold enioy any part of this Kingdome of Ireland any longer for they had enioyed the same too Long already or to that effect
John [mark] Skimeine
his Marke
Jurat Novem: 12. 1642.
Joh Watson:
Will: Aldrich
fol. 187v
[Copy at MS 832, fols 109v-110r]