Deposition of Richard Stannyan
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:02 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 193r
24 october 1641I Richard Stannyan of Ballehaies in the County of Cavan Showmaker aged fforty seauen yeares or theire abouts Being Duely sworne & Examyned Saith That on the day & yeare aforesaid hee was Robed & striped by the Ireish Rebells of the County of Cavan they belonging vnto Phillip mc hugh mc Sheane oRely of all these seuerall goods ffolloweing
Itt one lease of a homestead scituat in Ballahaies worth_____ 10 li. ster
Itt five English Cowes worth _____10 li. ster
Itt ffower yeare ould _____2 ster
Itt one Mare & Coult worth_____3 li. ster
Itt one sowe & a sh[ ] worth _____ 1___10 s.
Itt in houshould stuffe worth_____2___10 s.
Itt in showmakers ware worth _____2___0
Itt in debts due worth _____2
Itt in Ready mony _____4
Itt in wareing apparall _____1
Summa totalis38 li. ster
Richard Stanyan
Jurat Novemb 23bis 1642
Joh Watson Randall Adams
Will: Aldrich
fol. 193v