Examination of William Boulster
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=827103r121] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 06:17 PM
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fol. 103r
<Mallow March 11th 1653> Depositions taken Concerninge Morice ffitz Gerrald Esquire of Castlelishine in the Barrony of Kilmore in the yeare 1642
William Boulster of Castlelishine of the afforesaid Barrony Aged about 50 yeares beinge Sworne & Examined Saith that hee liued as afforesaid knew the afforesaid Garratt Liuinge as afforesaid in the yeare 1641
That hee the said Garratt Morrice was in Actuall Armes with the Eneimy in the yeare 42
The Cause of this deponent knowledge is that hee liued as Tennant to the afforesaid Garrett <Morrice> duringe the time of Warr & that hee hath often Seine him in Armes & had Comand of an Irish Company att the Battle of Liskurrill & farther Saith not
The marke of
William WB Boulster
Taken before us
ff: Wheeller
Tho: Coakley
fol. 103v
fol. 104r
fol. 104v
Barrony Killmore
Morrice ffitz Gerrald