Deposition of Francis Wilson
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 11:01 AM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 208r
ffrancis Wilson late of Belturbert in the County of Cauan yeoman beinge Duelye sworne deposeth and sayth that hee the said ffrancis Wilson at or about the xxiijth day of october 1641 was possessed in his owne right of and in these seuerall goods and chattells followeinge (vizt) in houshold goods to the value of 19 li.__14 s. Cattell to the value of 10 li. bookes to the value of 1 li.__10 s. money & Jewells to the value of 4 li.__10 s. apparell to the value of 4 li. a bond of one Johne Bradye late of Clonesey in the Countye aforesaid deceased for payment of <a> 9 li.__6 s.__8 d. due to bee payd by Hugh Bradye his executor & his sonne & heyre of fee simple lands whoe is nowe in rebellion a bill of one Robert Temple for payment of 40 s. being a man robbd by the Rebells soe that he is disabled to giue them satusfaccion A lease of a Dwellinge house in Belturbert aforesaid with the appurtenancs for the terme of 1000 one tho w sand yeres yeares whereof 4 yeares or thereabouts were expired of the cleare yearelye value of 40 s. per annum, All which said goods, & chattells hee the said ffrancis Wilson was Depriued robbed and Despoyled of by the insurreccion <a> & rebellion of Phillip mc Hugh รด Reilye of Ballenecarge in the Countie aforesaid Esquire, Mullmore mc Edmund O Reilye of Cavett in the said Countye, Hugh mc Mullmore mc Phillip of killevaghan in the said Countye Edmund O Reilye his brother of danmurrey Thomas Bradye preist of the parishe of Annagh, ffarrall mc Morris of . Charles Bradye of. Hugh Roe Reilye and Owen Bradye seruants to Phillip Reilye aforesaid Owen mc Nicholas Bradye of. Bryan oge O mullpatrick of . Thomas O mullpatricke and Cohannat his brother of . Edmond O mullpatricke of Quimey in the Countie of Cauan. Hugh boye O Reilye of . and their adherents and this deponent hath that hee heard that Benedict Cottnam was murthered by Rebells whose names hee knoweth not And that hee hath heard Diuers of the Rebells call Phillip mc Mulmore O Reilye englishe rogue and that they loved to see him hanged for releiuinge of Englishe
ffrancis Wilson
Jur 19o Sept 1642
Joh Watson
Will: Aldrich