Deposition of Jane Cuthbertson

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 11:57 AM

Dublin Core

Date: 1644-02-03
Identifier: 833243r168


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Cavan
Deposition Type: Dublin Original
Nature of Deposition: Apostacy, Captivity, Multiple Killing, Robbery
Commissioners: Henry Brereton, Henry Jones
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 243r

The examinacion of Jane Barlie the wiffe of James Cuthbertson of Lare in the Countie of Cavan spinster this third day of february 1643
<A> Whoe Being sworne and examyned sayeth that vpon or about the 14th day of <a> febr: 1641 fferrall mc Phillipp Rellie of lare in the said County and his two sones Owen, and Hugh, Conor Roege mc Clerie of the barronie of Tullogarvie, Hugh mc Milmore mc Brian Rellie of Aghramore in the said Countie, another fferrall Rellie of lare, Owen mc Brian oige o Rellie of Tearnemucklogh, donell bwy o Rellie, donell o cullin o Rellie Turlogh mc Patrick mc eneny Mahowne duff mc clerie and his two sones, Patr: mc clerie Shane mc clerie sones to another Mahowne mc Clerie a broagmaker, donell mc Shane mc clerie of Kilcollie, Cahill bane mc clerie and his brother Patr. mc clerie and Conor bradie, came to the pole of the Laire aforesaid, and came to the house of Grisell Tindale widow in the laire about eight of the clock in the night tyme where Adam bailie James bailie James Cuthbertsone and one John waeker were was and said that they had a warrant to bring them before Captane Hugh Rellie, and so tooke them and tyed them all with ropes before they left the house and so they went from thence to John bailies house and tould him soe and tyed him also and so caryed them from the houses downe to the riversyde about a flight shott from the houses, and killed & murthered them the said Adam Bailie John bailie James bailie and John waeker, and But the said James Cuthbertsone made an escape from them and saved his lyffe, and the next morneing they those Rebells went to the pole of ffaherny where they found one John bailie a gentleman who they made to serve them after they had forced them to Masse houlding a plow, and killed him there and went from thence to the pole of downenie, where they found one John Mitchell and Patrik Jacsone in there owen houses and killed them there, and that shee credibly verilie heard that the said Conor Boey mc Clerie Richard Beatagh of lisnals and Patrik mc Phillip mc Shane bwy Rellie had murdered one Robert Cuthbertsone two dayes before vpon the pole of Lisnaske her cause of knowledge is that shee was present in the house of the said Grissell Tindale when they the Rebells came and took them away And after they had murthered them she was an eywitnesse of their burialls Insoemuch as which was and that shee was present the next morneing when they were buried in the feildes, for the Irishe natives there would not suffer any of the british nation to be buryed in Church or Church yairde, and shee further sayeth that these Cleries are Ould fosteres to the said Hugh Captane Hugh Rellie, and further sayeth that shee heard that Shane oge mcConor Rellie, Phillipe mc Hugh Rellie of the Kearne and his two sones Owen and fferrall and one Hugh Riveagh mc Clerie of the barronie of Castle {Ra?}yne <did Comaund the said Rebelles to doe these murderes, and shee further sayeth that they Captaine Hugh Rellie seemed to be angrie at the comitting {of} these murderes, notwithstanding he kept these bloodie actors and souldjer e s them with them him as souldiers after they {had}>

fol. 243v

fol. 244r

had Comitted the outrags aforesaid Co mitted the outrage aforesaid, And further saith that theis parties hereafter named were actors in the present Rebellion and robbd and spoiled the brittish thereabouts vizt Hugh Reagh o Rely of Newlogh in the same County gent ffarrell รด Rely of Lare in the said County gent Patrick mc Clery of Lisball in the same County yeoman Shane mc Clery his brother with a great number of others whose names shee is not now able to expresse
The mark of the said Jane Barly
<Jur 3o febr 1643 coram
Dre Jones He: Brereton>
And the deponent further saith That in the begining of the Rebellion shee this deponent & her husband then aliue at the pole of lairagh aforesaid & elswhere were by the Rebells robbed & dispojled of their goods of and chattells of the value & to their losse of 40 li. ster
The mark of [mark] the said Jane
Jur 3o ffebr 1643
Hen: Brereton Hen: Jones

fol. 244v

Jane Cuthbertson Jur iijo
febr 1643

[Copy at MS 832, fols 141r-141v]

Deponent Fullname: Jane Cuthbertson, Jane Cuthbertson
Deponent Gender: Female, Female
Deponent Occupation: Spinster, Spinster
Deponent County of Residence: Cavan, Cavan
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: James Cuthbertson, Grisell Tindale, Adam bailie, James bailie, John waeker, John bailie, John Mitchell, Patrik Jacsone, fferrall mc Phillipp Rellie, Owen Rellie, Hugh Rellie, Conor Roege mc Clerie, mc Milmore mc Brian Rellie, fferrall Rellie, Owen mc Brian oige o Rellie, donell bwy o Rellie, donell o cullin o Rellie, Turlogh mc Patrick mc eneny, Mahowne duff mc clerie, Patr: mc clerie, Shane mc clerie, Mahowne mc Clerie, donell mc Shane mc clerie, Cahill bane mc clerie, Patr. mc clerie, Conor bradie, Hugh Rellie, Richard Beatagh, Conor Boey mc Clerie, Patrik mc Phillip mc Shane bwy Rellie, Shane oge mcConor Rellie, Phillipe mc Hugh Rellie, Owen Rellie, fferrall Rellie, Hugh Riveagh mc Clerie, Hugh Reagh o Rely, ffarrell , Patrick mc Clery, Shane mc Clery, Robert Cuthbertsone
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Victim