Deposition of Katherin Allen

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 03:03 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1642-02-12
Identifier: 834095r082


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Louth & Monaghan
Deposition Type: Dublin Original
Nature of Deposition: Killing, Multiple Killing, Robbery, Words, Succour
Commissioners: John Watson, William Hitchcock
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 95r


Katherin Allen the relict of Micheall Allen late of grang boy in the parrish of Clonnisse Barrony of Dartry and County of Monoghan an English protestant sworne & examined saith that vpon Saturday the xxiijth of October in the morning <a> Call o Connell nephew to Con ô Connell the cheife of that sept, gent of the parrish of Clonnisse came to this deponents howse in company of Turlogh ô Connell of the same parrish and Cahir ô Connell of the same parrish and certeine others of the ô Connells and their followers, and robbed and dispoiled this deponents husband of howshold goods worth fforty pownds howsehold provition worth x li. corne and hay in the hagard worth Lxx li., Corne in the ground worth xx li. <314-0-0> Cattle worth Clj li. ready mony xxiij li. apparell x li. And turned this deponent her husband and fowre children out of the dores Saying that they wold take this deponents husband before their Captaine Rory oge mc Mahowne of the parrish of Dartrie and County of Monaghan whoe shold tell this deponents husband what was the reason that they soe vsed him And when the said Rebells had carried her said husband about with them that day they miserably murthered him at night And this deponent further saith, that part of the foresaid goods <b> one Hugh B Brian Burdogh (servant to Mris Selly mc Maghowne of Connogh in the same parrish & Barrony sister and howskeeper to Hugh oge mc Maghowne of the same towne gent), (now a prisoner in the Castle of dublin) received of this deponent, and certeine others servants to the said Sely were present at the said robbery and tooke what they cold gett pretending that they were se nt from the said Mris Sely & that this deponent might be thereby Lodged that night at the said Selys howse whither this deponent soe dispoiled retireing herself and desireing to be admitted received this answere from the servants, That this deponent must be gone or els she must be instantly kild And when a reputed base daughter of the said Hugh mc Maghan went in to her said Aunt Mris Sely by thintreaty of this deponent to tell her that this deponent desired harbour or some of her goods This deponent received noe other answere then that certeine servants of the said Mris Selys came forth, and searched and robbed this deponent

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and her servants of what she had remaineing and drove them thence, And this deponent further saith that she mett certeine servants or people belonging to the said Mris Selye driveing this deponents sheepe and one fatt hogg to the said Mris Selys howse: And this deponent further sajth That her said husband had a farme called Killenenagh in the parrish of & Barrony of Dartry in the said County of Monoghan from which she was alsoe expelled and was robbd of her husbands leas thereof which in was in being for thirty yeres & was worth vltra repris CC li. per annum, and of cattle worth Cxij li. <322-0-0> Corne and hay worth x li. But whoe tooke the said goodes this deponent knoweth not being forced to fly for her liffe, The rebells in those parts within three or fowre myles haveing Killed as this deponent heard from seuerall people about 40 persons only this deponent heard That owen mc Intie of the parish ofin the County of Cavan killd seven of her said husbands cattle. And this deponent further saith that her husbands estate in the farme of grang boy was worth vltra repris lx li. Soe that in all her husbands estate Lost by this Rebellion was six hundreth fforty five Pownds

signum predicte [mark] Katherine
Jur xijo ffebr 1641 coram nobis
William Hitchcock

In toto: 636 li.-00-00

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Katherin Allen Jur
xijo ffebr 1641


Deponent Fullname: Katherin Allen
Deponent Gender: Female
Deponent Occupation: Widow
Deponent County of Residence: Monaghan
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Call o Connell, Turlogh , Cahir , * , Rory oge mc Mahowne, Brian Burdogh, Micheall Allen, Con , Mris Selly mc Maghowne, Hugh oge mc Maghown, owen mc Intie
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Victim, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Rebel