Deposition of Edward Clarke
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 10:57 AM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 195r
The deposissione of Edward Clarke late of Tannatebulke within the Countie of ffarmanagh gentleman
This deponent beinge duly sworne saith, that he was posessed of a personale estate within the said Countie, as followeth (viz)
In primis The Leases of 2 touts of land woorth ------20 li. per annum-0 s.-0 d.
Item In one Freehould within the Cauan --------------10 2 li. per annum-0-0
& he is like to loose the future proffits vntill a peace be established
Item In Cowes, horesses and other quicke Cattle ---26-10-0
Item In readye monies ----------------------------------- 6-10-0
Item In Corne and Haye ---------------------------------60- 0-0
Item In houshould goods--------------------------------10- 0-0
Item In debts due to me --------------------------------- 4-12-0
present losse: 129-12-00
future loss – 20 li. per annum
All which goods and Chattles ware taken from mee and (my debtors disinabled to paye me) by the meanes of this present rebellione, esspecially by the hands of Cale boy mcDermont and Hugh mcGemary, and Owen mcDonnile, all of the parish of Newtowne within the Countie of ffarmanah and further saith not
signum [mark] predicti Edwardi Clark
Jur 24o ffebr: 1642
Will: Aldrich Randall: Adams
Hen: Brereton
{Edward Clarke}>
fol. 195v