Deposition of John Southwell
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 10:23 AM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 112r
<Kinsale ffebruary 24th 1653>
Depositions taken Concerninge John Mc Teige Na Bealy of the parish of Tample Mighill in the Barrony of Clonenderrila in the County of Clare in the yeare 1641
John Southwell of the parish of Tampletrine in the Barrony of Coursey Aged about 40 yeares beinge sworne and Examined saith that hee Liueinge neere the said Teige in the yeare 41
<1> That hee might haue Remoued into the English Quarters as diuers English of his Neighbours did
<2> That hee Continued in the Eneimyes Quarters duringe the time of Warr
<3> That hee did Actually Contribute Asistance to of Armes to the Irish in the yeare 41
<4> That he Came to the Land of this deponent and took by force and violence the Catle of this deponent Viz 11 horses and Mares
<9> That hee was in Actuall Armes with the Eneimy in the yeare 41
<10> That hee had Brothers that were in Actuall Rebellion but how many or the names of them this deponent know{es} nott
The Cause of this deponents knowledge is that hee Liue{d} Neere the afforesaid Teige the same yeare and that the seruants of this deponent did see the said Teige take the said horses from of his Land and since this deponent hath questioned the said Teige for taking his afforesaid horses the which hee Could not den{y} but Refused to make this deponent sattisfaction
John Southwell
ff: Wheeller
fol. 112v
fol. 113r
fol. 113v
Barrony Clonederila
County Clare
John Mc teige na Bealy