Deposition of John Southwell
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 10:23 AM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 114r
<Kinsale ffebruary 24th 1653>
Depositions taken Concerninge Teige Mc Dan{iell} o Bryen Sir Daniell o Brien his sonne of CarrigeAhowley in the Barrony of Mapharta in the County of Clare in the yeare 1641
John Southwell of the parish of Tampletrine in the Barrony of Coursey Aged about 40 yeares beinge sworne and Examined saith that hee Liueinge in the County of Clare neere the afforesaid Brien in the yeare 1641
<1> That hee might haue Remoued into the English Quart{ers} as diuers English of his Neighbours did
<2> That hee Continued in the Eneimys Quarter duringe the time of warr
<3> That hee did Actually Contribute Asistance to the Eneimy by bearinge Armes and Raisinge a Company against the English in the yeare 41
<4> That hee Came to this deponent house & tooke by force and violence all the goods of this deponent viz housh u lld stuff 2 geldings and Armes Corne and his also Carried this deponent prisoner and kept him 10 daies with him
<9> That he had Comand of a Comand Company of Irish in the yeare 41
<10> That his ffather and two of his Brothers were in Armes the same yeare
<11> That there did liue of English neere this deponent viz Tho: Vusher since dead Anthony Vsher since dead George Randall Liuinge now in Kinsale
The Cause of this deponent knowledge is that he Liued neere the afforeaid Brien and saw him take his goods att which time hee Carried this deponent prisoner with him, and kept him 10 daies untill there Came order from there Supreame Councell that hee should bee Rele{ased} of which Councell hee the said Briens ffather was one
John Southwell
ff: Wheeller
fol. 114v
fol. 115r
fol. 115v
Barrony Malpharta
County Clare
Teige mc Daniell O