Examination of John O Colaine
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John O Colaine sworne and examined beefore me Nouem the 4th 1652
Affirmeth that hee hath liueed in the Brough euer since hee was borne and that hee hard that Donnough Mac Quough and William Mac <A> Connell liueing without the Loughgate Came to the Brough and Tould the Inhabitance, that the Garrison of Loughguire did Intend to Come and Burne the Brough so well as they had burned Ballingallaugh so the Inhabitance of Brough Grenan and Ballingallaugh Joyned them selues together and Came vppon the hill neere neere Ballingall Comanded by Master Brian Macguaghe, and Master John Lacy the younger so when they saw that Loughguire people did not come out, They resolud <B> amung themselues, to goe holme againe, but Donnough Mac Quough tould them that hee would shew them a good prise beefore they went so hee with two or theere more went away but the Rest went backe to the Brough, and ould Master Lacy beeing beehinde the rest vppon the hill went Backe likewise, and aboute three howres after brought Donnough Mac Quough with others brought Grigory Thorne and one Brian along with them and brought them beefore Ould Master Lacy this deponant beeing present at that tyme a Sir sayeth Quough I haue brough you one of the Notable fellowes of the [ ] Lough hee hath donn the Irish more mischife then anie halfe dozen of them, Master Lacy ansered I will haue nothing to doe with my Lord of Bathes seruant for hee is my good freind and if they will lett vs alone, wee wilbe quiett Sa y eth after wardes the sayd Thorne and Patricke weare Carried vnto Kilmallocke by the Constabell and <C> Quough by whoes order hee knowes not; and stayde there but a very little tyme aboute a day but was brought backe againe by the same men, at their returne they this Quough sayd they had orders from the Gouernor of Kilmal{locke} to hange him, which Master Lacy heereing, did desire that they might not doe such a thing there, but they sayd it was the Gouernors plesure and hee would hange them their for a terror to the rest of the English at Lough, which accordingley hee did, and thee deponant is Certaine that after Grigory Thorne was taken it was not aboue two or three dayes beefore hee was executed: and farther this examinate sayeth that Mistress Lacy weepte and sayd noe such thing should bee donn their and wished them to stay <D> vntill hir husband Came holme, but Donno [ ] ough Mac Quough ansered that hee would sticke him with his sk[ ] Skaine other then hee should liue anie lounger
John o Colane [mark] his Marke