Examination of Morrogh O Hea and Mahowne O Dwane
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fol. 361v
Morrogh o Hea and Mahowne o Dwane depose
<E> That on Tuesday last this Donogh mc Quough came to them to Ballynanty, where they were a ploweing, and demanded of them to whom they belonged, And that they answeared that they did belong to Mr John Lacy: whereuppon he told them that he had a matter of much secrecy & concerne which to acquayate them with if he knew them to be his faythfull & houshold servants, and that they asnweared that they were: when then sayd Quough goe to him presently and tell him that there is a party of Loghguer ffoote gon out to apprehend himself & seize upon his goods and bidd him absent him self: and dispose of his goods (if he can ha[u]e soe much tyme) otherwise that the party gon out after him would seize upon them
Morogh o Hea [mark] his mark
Mahowne o Dwane [mark] his Mark
Theese examinations taken by
your seruant to Command
James Symocke