Examination of John ô Mawheir

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=829370r248] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 02:56 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1652-11-11
Identifier: 829370r248


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Clare & Limerick
Deposition Type: Commonwealth
Nature of Deposition: Arson, Captivity, Multiple Killing, Robbery
Commissioners: T Robinson
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 370r

<Lymerick> The Examinacion of seuerall witnesses in the behalf of the State for & concerning the murderring of Gregory Thorne late of Loghier of Gulliepatrick ô Durane of the same
<1 Examinant> John ô Mawheir of Brough in the County of Lymericke yeoman aged 50 yeres or thereabouts being duly sworne & vpon the holy Evangelists and examined sayeth as followeth vzt
That in the March 1641 John Lacy the elder commanded a party out of Brough being all his Tenants & servants to secure as he pretended a party from the garrison of Loghier from the burning of Brogh and marched to the hill of beyond Ballynygullagh; where some of the said lacyes party told him that some of the garrison of Loghier vsed to be at the Grange and that his sonne in law Brien Magrath & his owne sonne young John Lacy desired they might haue a party with them to goe to the Grange to see if they could finde any of Loghier there, That the said John Lacy the father ga said that he feared a party would come out of Loghier on the back of them, wherevpon one Connor ô Dea an replyed, That if the said Lacy the father would but stand there vpon that hill with his party vntill such time as he saw them comeing back, he did belioue they would not stirr out of Loghier And then the said young John Lacy & Brien Magrath by order from the said John Lacy the older went with a party to the Grange there finding the aboue named Gregory Thorne & Gulliepatrick The said young Lacy bid this Examinant being then present to fire Guillepatricks house over his head, he the said Gulliepatrick being then in it, the which this Examinant refused to doe wherevpon the said young Lacy sent two others into the house to fetch him out, the which they did and tooke Gregory Thorne in the Logh being runn into the water to saue himselfe And that haueing thus taken them both the said Gregory & Gulliepatrick they carryed them to the Brogh vnto <C> the said John Lacy the elder and deliuered them vp to him into the who kept them prisoners in his Castle (about 3 dayes as this Examinant remembers) and then old Lacy sent them to Kilmallock by the pettye Constable & one[ ] & two others and that afterwards they were sent back to the Brogh by the said persons to old Lacy and were hanged at Brogh (as this deponent hath ben told) that very day and this deponent Examinant sayeth he was present when they were hanged although he cannot certeinly remember the day, nor knowth by whose order
This deponent Examinant sayeth further that one Mortagh ô Brien mc Therlagh was one of the party which tooke the said Thorne & Guilliepatrick and did then droue away the said Guillepatricks Cow & a calfe to Kilmallock Brogh & possesst them after his death And that the said <D> Mortagh ô Brien being brought to Lymerick to be examined after he had mett & adviced with one Peirs Prendergrass one of old Lacyes servants, came to this Examinant & wisht him to keep to the Examinacion that was taken at Loghier and to be of one toole with themselues whereunto this Examinant answerred that he would tell the truth
The mark of [mark] the said John ô Mowheir
Taken upon oath
xjo November
T Robinson
CI Cur Just

fol. 370v

Deponent Fullname: John
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Yeoman
Deponent County of Residence: Limerick
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: John the elder Lacy, John the younger Lacy, Brien Magrath, mc Therlagh, Peirs Prendergrass, Gregory Thorne, Gulliepatrick
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Mentioned, Victim, Victim