Examination of John Lambart
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fol. 47r
I John Lambart Late of Canbo in the Countie of Roscoman, in the province of Connaught in Ireland gent: now eldest sonne of Josias Lambart Esquire Lately deseased doe take my oath that at the begininge of the horrid & bloody Rebellion there, and since, my said ffather and my selfe weare deprived of an Estate in goods and Chattelles to the vallue of aboue seaven hundred pounds str. and Lands worth aboue two hundred pounds per annum: all which we lost by those Rebells, and especially by one Tumultagh Oge makdermott of Lisse Cahell; his sonne Brian mack Dermott, <A> Connor Oge mack Dermott of Cnockedaltin, william o Mulloy Esquire, with many more of the mc Dermotts, mack Dermott roes, the Bernes, and divers others of the Rebells. The said Tumaltagh Oge being bound by Covenant to keepe harmelesse, and Losselesse, my ffather, Mother, and theire Chilldren, and all they had within doores, and without doores against any Irish whatsoeuer he soone after proueing the most pernisious enemie we had whoe turned (as the said Tumaltagh himselfe reported) by the advise of Sir Luke Dillon) my ffather, Mother, and theire familye out of theire house and from all they had not affording them soe much as would haue purchased them one meales of meate. in which Condicion they might haue perrished, but that through the Lords great mercie & ouer ruleing prouidence I convoyed my selfe, wif and Children, into Carrick drumrooske, a garrison then <B> kept by Sir George St: George, I haueinge receiued knowledge of a plott to Murther me intended by william O Mulloy Esquire Owen mack Dermott Esquire the abouesaid Tumaltagh Oge mc Dermotts sonne and divers others of their adhearents. where I continued neer two yeares gaining & forceing my whole subsistance from the em enemie And lastly haueing regained my house from the enemie, I was in the yeare one thouseand, six hundred, fourtie and six outed againe by Generall Preston at the time he brought the greatest part of that province vnder his Comaund, he being cheefly assisted by one Oliver ffitzwilliams then his Livtennant Generall and being forced to stoope to the acceptance of quarter vpon surrendrie, which was to take away and haue all my household goods, beasts, horses, Cattell, Corne, and all my other goods whatsoeuer for which purpose Articles weare draune into writing, and
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the said Oliuer ffitzwilliams signed, and sealed the same but <C> after I had deliuered the Castell, the said articles were soe grossly and perfidiously violated by those faulse harted Rebelles espesially by one Captain George Cusacke, apointed by Preston to haue the Comaund of the house, Livtennant Hine, Brian mac{k} Dermott and others: by reason of which said Trecherous dealeing, I my wife, Children, and familye, haue euer since beene exposed to much misery and want. my aged father (formerly a Justice of peace was kept in prison by them vntill by want & cruell vsage hee died in his own house;
John Lambart
Sworne the 12th of July 1652
John Page.
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Mr Lambarts deposicion
Mr Lambarts Examinacion