Examination of John O’Connor

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=830065r060] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:36 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1653-04-29
Identifier: 830065r060


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Galway & Roscommon
Deposition Type: Commonwealth
Nature of Deposition: Captivity, Killing
Commissioners: John Cole, Robert Blakeny
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 65r

<ffor and on the beehalfe of the Common wealth> The Informacion Examinacion taken beefore vs of John O Connor of CastleReagh In the County of Roscommo Ensigne to Donnor O Connor [ ] this 29th day of Aprill 1653
<A> This deponent Sayth that beeinge Comanded by Collonell Donnogh O Connor vnder the Comand of Capt: Terlo u gh Mc Dermot [ ] vpon a party [ ] An Ambush for to Spoyle Capt Eyres troope the that said Troope Comeing goeinge of to An Iland Called LongLumb to fetch prouision from thence the Said party Commanded as aforesaid by his said Capt: terlough Mc Dermott Collonell O [ ] this deponent beeing then one of that party did meete with the Said party of Horse as they Expected beelonginge to Capt: Eyres and att the Same tyme <A> beeing about A fortnight beefore Christmas last 1652 and att A place Called Clounawgh within A mile of the aforesaid Iland did take one of the Same party and beinge desirous to Ingage the rest of the party of the said Capt: Eyres troope they left one for four of their souldiers with the said trooper soe taken whereof Garrett O Bryan was one And after they of the [ ] with the [ ] trooper Soe Ingaged the aforesaid party of horse and beeinge dubious that they should bee Overcome did ffly and vppon their pursuance the Said Garrett O B r y ane deponent hath heard and as his Said Capt: was Informed (beeinge Turly [ ] Terlogh Mc Dermot) that the Said the Said Bry an Garrett Bryan did Kill the Said trooper ass aforesaid taken And the Reason of his further beleefe is beecause that his said Capt did giue to the <B> Said Garrett Bryan this Troopers Sword for that this deponent Sayth that the Said Garrett Bryan had Broken it his owne Sword as hee Conceiues vppon the aforesaid Trooper and Sayth that after hee this Deponent was tak apprehended by Capt: Eyres and accused for the aforesaid trooper hee this deponent tould the Said Capt Eyres that it was the Said Garrett Bryan did Kill the aforesaid trooper and allso tould the Said Eyres that where the Said Garrett Bryan was And did pr likwise Informe the Said Capt: that hee this Deponent would

fol. 65v

bee willinge to bee In restraint vntill Such tyme as Some of this Deponents party should being the said Garrett Bryan vnto the Said Capt Eyres if that the Said Capt Eyres would permitt him this Deponent Soe to doe as aforesaid But Sayth that the Said Capt Eyres would not Suffer this Deponent but did send A party of his <C> horse for to fetch the Said Garrett Bryan In And that the Said party Soe Sent by the Said Capt when they Retorned tould theyr Said Capt: That they had apprehended and taken the Said Garrett Bryan [ ] And that hee had broken the Rope which they tyed him with And that hee rann quite away from them And further Sayth not that hee Cann Sufficiently proue by Sufficient wittnesses and by particuler persons all that hee hath deposed whose names are under written and further deposeth not
<D> Bryan O Connough Ensigne to the said Collonell Connor Rory O Byrne fferreogh O fflyn Connor Mc Culden Docker All Souldiers now vnder the Command of the said Collonell Connough
John O [mark] Connor
his Marke
Taken before vs this 29th
day of Aprill 1653
John: Cole:
Robert: Blakeny

fol. 66r


fol. 66v


The Examinacion of { }
John Connor Concerninge
the Killyng of A trooper
att Clondough neere the Iland
of Loughdunn

Deponent Fullname: John O Connor
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Ensign
Deponent County of Residence: Roscommon
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Donnor O Connor, Terlough Mc Dermot, Garrett Bryan, Bryan [o Connough], Rory O Byrne, fferreogh O fflyn, Connor Mc Culden Docker, Capt Eyre, Terlogh Mc Dermot
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Rebel, Rebel, Denounced, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Mentioned, Mentioned