Declaration by Patricke Mooreheade
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fol. 77r
Imprimis I Patricke Mooreheade doe vppon othe my oath declare and say that the night before that George Dillon and John Stubs was Executed that Sir Tho: Eastman and <A> Coll Bagnell and his Brother sitinge in the chamber whare thay laye in my howse Takinge a pipe of Tobackoe I pasinge by the Chamber doore was caled in by them and sittinge downe with them I hearde them Talke of Leauinge the Towne the Next daye I Asked them what thaye woulde doe with those tow poore prisnors thay Replyed to me that thaye woulde be Executed the next morninge by Eaight of the clocke and that the Cause of thare sata staye in Towne was to see them Executed, I toulde them that I was veary sorry ffor it, thaye Replyed Agayne that I had noe Reason to be Sorry ffor them ffor thaye ded thare best Endevore to bringe the Enemy vppon the Towne. I demanded of them what George dillon had done to Sufer death in Regarde as I towlde them that I harde that he did butt onely Reade the Superscription of the letter Thaye Answared that he was more Accesary then the other in Regarde that he went vp and downe into the Parlement Quarters and but onely as thaye said that thare letter with an Answare to it was ffounde oute or elce the Enemy had beene vppon the Towne eare that Tyme soe thay ffalinge into moore priuat discourse I left them The next morninge Aboute Eaight of the clocke I standinge in my owne doore. donogh O Naighton Marchant Cominge vp the streete ded call me vnto him and whisperinge me in the Eare he Toulde me that he harde A Reporte that my Lady dillon shoulde say that <B> she woulde nott eate nor drinke vntill that the tow prisnors ware putt to death, and he demanded of me whether I ded heare any such Reporte I Answared him that I harde of noe such thinge but consarninge the prisners sufringe that morninge I coulde haue Toulde him of it the night before
Afterwards I beinge walkinge in my Garden I ded heere the prisnors ware pasinge by to Execution then I coming oute of My Garden into my howse at that Instant Sir Walter Dungon coming in to my howse I towlde him that I was sorry to see my poore naybors to goe to Execution he Replyed that thay Desarued death if that thay had twenty liues and that the Towne coulde nott saye butt thaye had a ffayer Tryall all my people beinge gon out to see the execution leauinge Sir Wallter and my selfe alone in the howse <wee> hearinge a greate cry opened my back doore and went out which was opposett to the place <C> of Execution and seeinge the people vppon thare Knees I towlde Sir Walter that I ded heare that morninge by donogh O Naighton that my Lady shoulde saye that she would nott eate nor drinke vntill the tow prisners ware put to death and soe far as I can Remember the said Sir Wallter Dungon ded Accnowledge that she spake thoase wordes and Replyed withall that my Lady Dillon was none of thare counsell and that thaye ded nott heede other lords or ladyes wordes butt went one to A fayer Tryall of them Accordinge to thare consience and that the most parte of them ware to leaue the Towne butt thaye stayde whille the prisnors ware Executed and in the meane Tyme we seeinge one of them gooinge vpp the ladder presently we boath Came in and shut the doore vppon vss and walkinge vpp and downe the ffloore I Requested him that soe soone as the prisnor{s} ware deade that thare bodeys might be taken downe and decently Buried he towlde me that he would speake to some of the soldyers and it shoulde be done, then he Tooke his cloake and walked Abroad and ffurther he sayth nott
Patrik moorhead
fol. 77v
fol. 78r
fol. 78v
Patrick Moreheads Examinacion