Examination of Shane O’Kane
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=830096r082] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 03:11 PM
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fol. 96r
Shane o Kane being aged about Thirty ffiue yeares Liueing at Moygara, being deposed sath,
That Owen oCorcran was slaine at the Boyle about Eight yeares past and the second Day after he was slaine, this Deponent saw Bryan mc John Carrie, Donnoghah mc <A> fferrell Ballagh, and Mintogh mc Loghlin Carragh, Leading of the Mare, that the said Corcan had when he was slaine, and further this Examinant Deposes, That it was the generall Report of the Country that theise Three aboue mencioned, were the Murtherers of the abouesaid Owen o Corcran, Item this Deponent further saith that he saw the abouesaid Dono{ghah}mc fferrell Ballagh, (the Next Day after the aforesaid Owen was slaine, weareing of his Coate the said Owens Coate, ffarther this Deponent sath, that, when the abouesaid Owen was slaine, there was None of the three had a sword about them but Bry mc John <B> Carrer, and the report was That he was the Man that killed Owen oCorcran as aforesaid the cause of this Deponent knowledg is that he was A neighbour to the aboue mencioned Parties, And further This Deponent sath Not,
Taken before vs the Commissioners for the
Publique Revenue of the
Precinct of Slego Aprill 22d 1653
William Ramsey
S Nichols
fol. 96v
fol. 97r
fol. 97v
{The} { } {of Shane O’Kane}
Test about Owen