Examination of Ferdinando McDermod Roe
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fol. 106r
<A> The Examinacion of fferdinando mc Dermod Roe of Tihoell in the County of Roscomon gent aged 56: yeares or thereabouts taken the 26: daye of Aprill 1653 who sayeth as followeth
That in the begininge of the Rebellion hee was seduced to take vpp Armes for the Irishe, And that hee doeth well remember mr William Massam, And that hee was in the house of Knockvicker to keepe it as hee hath heard, And that [ ] att the same tyme this examinant was att his howse att Tihoell Hee sayeth that about ffebruary 1641: hee keepte A passe neare Knockvicer, And that about the 17th daye of March next hee went thence to his owne howse att Tihoell about six Miles from Knockvicar And stayed there and never serued as A souldier since
And further saieth that hee was att his howse when mr Massam went to the Boile and sawe him not till hee was sent to by letter to Tihall from William Moloy to come to see if hee could gett him out of the hands of those that had him And then came and brought Sur [ ] geans to him but about ffower nights after hee was wounded hee died; of his wounds; being asked whether hee had any weapons about him when hee came to see Mr Massam, hee saith hee heard had a sword not And alsoe that there was not att that tyme any Soldiers beseegeinge the howse of Knockvicker; but only a party kept a passe near the said howse And that A little sonn of this examinants then 9: yeares old had A little sword & A little Pistoll of Mr Massams son which hee bought of some of the Soldiers And further hee sayeth not
ffar: mc Dermott roeSw Taken before vs
Walt. Carwardine
Edw: Doyley:
fol. 106v
fol. 107r
fol. 107v
The examinacion of
fferdinando mc Dermod
Roe [It]
Mr Marsam