Examination of Laughlin mcGeraghty
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fol. 211r
<A> The Examinacion of Laughlin mc Geraghty of Curbegge in the County of Roscommon gentleman concerning the murther of a Trumpeter belonging to Major Robert Ormesbey taken before vs whose names are herevnder subscribed [ ] the 29th day of Aprill 1653
The said Deponent being duely sworne & examined on the holy Evangelists deposeth and saith That he heard a Rumour in the Country a good while since that a Trumpeter by [ ] was killed att the Mill of Cloningleene or thereabouts in the County of Roscomon by Bryan mc Owen รด Kelly and Hugh <c> mc Gurraghty brother to this ex Deponent, And further saith that he doth not knowe particulerly from whome he heard the same report but that it was the generall [vote?] of the Country and that he this examinante knoweth not the exact time when the said Trumpeter was killed for that he this Deponent at the time of the fact committed liued in the County of Galloway And further saith not.
the marke of
Laughlin [mark] mc Gerraghty
Rob: Ormsby
ffra: Gore:
Rich Laughlin
fol. 211v
The Examinacion of Laughlin
mc Gerraghty concerneing
the murther of Major Ormsby
his Trumpeter for which Bryan
mcOwen Kelly is charged
taken 29o Aprilis 1653